Shipping & Returns

In order to see the shipping cost of your item, simply click "Buy Now" and then go to your shopping cart. On the lower left you will see "Estimate Shipping". Click on that button and choose "United States" and you will see the shipping cost for the items in your shopping cart. Orders under $400 will be shipped by Insured First Class Mail with Delivery Confirmation. Orders over $400 up to $700 will be shipped by Insured Priority Mail. Orders over $700 up to $3,000 will be shipped by Insured Priority Mail with Signature Confirmation. Orders over $3,000 will be shipped by Insured Registered Mail Or Insured FedEx. Also available is Express Mail, please email us for Express Mail service and rates.

in order to see the shipping cost click "Buy Now" and then go to the shopping cart. On the lower left you will see "Estimate Shipping". Click on that button and choose your country and you will see the shipping cost for the items in your shopping cart. Orders under $1000 will be shipped by Insured First Class Mail. Orders over $1000 will be shipped by Insured Express Mail or Insured FedEx.

If any item you purchase from is not as described in the item description (meaning the weight, description, or photograph, is not correct or is for the wrong item you purchased), you may return it for a full refund of your purchase price. This almost never happens, but we want you to feel confident in your purchase, so if it does happen we will refund your purchase price in full, and will also pay for shipping and insurance to return the item. This return policy has been our commitment for many years and our buyers love this policy and enjoy buying from us with confidence. Because we take great care in describing our gold nuggets and gold specimens, and take detailed professional photographs, we almost never have a request to return a purchase from us, so we are confident that you will find each item to be exactly as described. PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE ITEM DESCRIPTION BEFORE YOU PURCHASE AN ITEM. Items returned without contact and return approval from us will be rejected for return.

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